Article Excerpt: "...It was a really part-time job and I went in and joined the reserves at Navy
JAX in VA-203, actually, right before 203 was commissioned in the summer of 1970. So, that
started my reserve career and we were flying A-4L’s which were modified Charlies and we flew
those for three and half years and then transitioned to the A-7 in the reserves and moved to Cecil
Field. ... spend the rest of my flying career in the Navy back at Cecil Field and my last time to
fly an airplane was the day before my change of command. I was the commanding officer of
VA-203 and we were flying A-7B’s at the time. ...It was just a great ball-team spirit flying with VA-203 Blue Dolphins we called ourselves. We
were deployed to active duty to Fallon, Nevada and we deployed to Yuma. We deployed to
Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico all on weapons dets to have concentrated weapons training.
You know, when I flew my last flight and Bill Bailey and I, Bill was taxiing in behind me going
into Hangar, I think it is 14 which is the eastern-most of those two older hangars there. Then I
look up and the whole squadron is out, all the enlisted guys are in the dungarees and everybody
is out on the ramp and then I look and there is Mac McClarin. Mac McClarin was one of these
first-class petty officers that had been active duty as a TAR for a long, long time."
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