Article Title: Huntsville Alabama Employment
Snippet of Article: "...Good link for employment in the Huntsville, Alabama ..."
Article Source: aviationemployment.rocket-city.usNews for the military veteran. We cover V.A. health care,veteran benefits, issues such as agent orange, and more
Snippet of Article: "...Good link for employment in the Huntsville, Alabama ..."
Article Source:"... A department directive, expected to take effect next week, resolves the conflict in veterans facilities between federal law, which outlaws marijuana, and the 14 states that allow medicinal use of the drug, effectively deferring to the states. ..."
Reference Source: www.nytimes.comSnippet of Article: "... With jobs hard to find, starting a business can be an attractive option for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with debilitating injuries. Hundreds apply every year for the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities, which is offered at six universities nationwide...."
Article Source: www.latimes.comSnippet of Article: "...Most veterans get some basic federal benefits including health care, low-interest home loans, life insurance and tuition help. Every state also offers some benefits to veterans ranging from free or reduced tuition at state colleges or universities to tax breaks, among other things.
Oklahoma’s new provision, which passed with 85 percent of the vote, exempts disabled war veterans or their surviving spouses from personal property taxes, beginning Jan. 1. To qualify, a veteran has to be head of the household and have an honorable discharge with a permanent disability contracted while on active duty. ..."
Snippet of Article: "...Disabled American Veterans has never wavered in our commitment to serve our nation’s service-connected disabled veterans, their dependents and survivors. Our largest endeavor in fulfilling that mission is our National Service Program. In 88 offices throughout the United States and in Puerto Rico, the DAV employs a corps of approximately 260 National Service Officers (NSOs) who represent veterans and their families with claims for benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Department of Defense and other government agencies. Veterans need not be DAV members to take advantage of this outstanding assistance, which is provided free of charge.
NSOs function as attorneys-in-fact, assisting veterans and their families in filing claims for VA disability compensation and pension; vocational rehabilitation and employment; education; home loan guaranty; life insurance; death benefits; health care and much more. They provide free services, such as information seminars, counseling and community outreach. NSOs also represent veterans and active duty military personnel before Discharge Review Boards, Boards for Correction of Military Records, Physical Evaluation Boards and other official panels. ..."
Snippet of Article: "...“I always tried to see the silver lining. Sometimes I may get depressed, but you can’t always let it get to you,” Schauer said. ..."
Article Source: www.kfoxtv.comSnippet of Article: "... To prevent a repeat of the VA’s idiocy (my words, not the congressman’s), Hastings introduced The Pension Protection Act of 2010, H.R. 4541 on Jan. 27. The bill would prohibit the VA from counting casualty windfall payments as income for the purposes of determining eligibility for the non-service connected pension benefit...."
Article Source: www.sturgisjournal.comSnippet of Article: "...veterans will no longer need to provide detailed documentation proving they experienced a traumatic event during combat in order to file PTSD disability claims, congressional aides and veterans advocates said. ..."
Article Source: www.washingtonpost.comArticle Title: Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents, and Survivors Article Excerpt: "...An official, up-to-date government m...