The Naval Officer's Guide |
Article Title: The Naval Officer's Guide 
Snippet of Article: "...The Naval Officer's Guide Article Source:
News for the military veteran. We cover V.A. health care,veteran benefits, issues such as agent orange, and more
The Naval Officer's Guide |
Snippet of Article: "...An Illinois Veterans Affairs hospital already under fire for excessive wait times, festering black mold and kitchen cockroaches faces a new shame – the bodies of dead patients left unclaimed in the morgue for up to two months without proper burial, whistleblower documents allege ..."
Article Source: www.foxnews.comThe Blue Jacket's Manual |
Snippet of Article: "...A message directed at active-duty sailors and reserve personnel on active duty cites Navy Regulation 1205, which mandates that personnel in uniform must stand at attention and face the flag when the national anthem is played. It also notes that a Navy administrative message published in 2009 requires Navy active-duty personnel in civilian clothes to face the flag, stand at attention, and place their right hand over their heart. "Additionally, Sailors receive training on the appropriate usage of social media, and must not use it to discredit the Naval Service, and should be reminded it could potentially be used as evidence against them," the guidance continues, a message apparently directed at the two sailors who published posts on Facebook about their protests. Failure to comply with these regulations, the message said, is punishable under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and constitutes commission of a serious offense -- grounds for administrative separation from the service ..."
Article Source: www.military.comSnippet of Article: "...Ervin's protest is a direct violation of Navy Regulation 1205, which notes that "whenever the national anthem is played, all naval service personnel...shall stand at attention." Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Ervin's actions are technically illegal, and could result in a maximum punishment of "dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 2 years." ..."
Article Source: ijr.comSnippet of Article: "...Military personnel and veterans challenged President Obama, often aggressively, on his refusal to use the phrase “Islamic terrorism,” his decision to open combat jobs up to women and the performance of the Department of Veterans Affairs at a town hall meeting here Wednesday. ..."
Article Source: www.washingtonpost.comSnippet of Article: "...'It is the nature of the role that has changed," the president said. "Not how I assess it." And told the audience, "We can help in these countries ... but we're not going to have the capacity to police these countries.' ..."
Article Source: www.upi.comSnippet of Article: "...The U.S. military's top commander in the Pacific is arguing behind closed doors for a more confrontational approach to counter and reverse China's strategic gains in the South China Sea, appeals that have met resistance from the White House at nearly every turn. ..."
Article Source: www.navytimes.comSnippet of Article: "...Obama invoked his executive powers to set the pay level at 0.5 percent below the expected increase in private sector wages, which would mark the fourth year in a row troops’ pay hikes failed to keep pace with their civilian peers ..."
Article Source: www.militarytimes.comArticle Title: Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents, and Survivors Article Excerpt: "...An official, up-to-date government m...