Article Excerpt: "2023 VA disability rates will be officially released on October 13, 2022... The final VA disability rates 2023 will be based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report of September 2022 inflation data. Did You Know Inflation is at a 40-Year High?"
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Although the rules governing VA disability benefits and the VA disability ratings process often seem unfairly stacked against you, the purpose of this book is to educate you on what is needed and how to properly prepare the NEXUS letter of your Veterans benefits claim so you can level the playing field and WIN YOUR VA DISABILITY BENEFITS CLAIM! As you know, in order to be successful with your VA disability benefits claim, you must meet three specific criteria: • You must have a current, chronic disability; AND • the disability must have been caused by, the result of, or aggravated by your military service or a secondary condition that was caused by an existing service connected disability; AND • there must be a NEXUS or link between the first two criteria. This book explains the goals and anatomy of a NEXUS letter, addresses potential concerns that doctors might have in writing the NEXUS letter and demonstrates how to craft a compelling NEXUS letter that the VA can’t deny. As an added bonus, this book will also show you how to locate missing records and utilized creative ways to find information in support of an incomplete claim. My name is Rick Blair and I served nearly 27 years in the U.S. Air Force and then another 10 years in my “second career” as a Veterans Service Officer (VSO.) Now for my third and hopefully final “career,” I plan on taking it easy and writing books to continue my advocacy for Veterans, because the knowledge I gained during those 10 years as a VSO, I believe, is far too important NOT to continuing sharing with other disabled Veterans. As a VSO, I spent four years advocating for Veterans benefits at the St Petersburg VA Regional Office, another four and a half years working with patients at the James H. Haley VA Medical Center in Tampa, and then the last year and a half providing community-based advocacy for our Veterans in and around Sumter County Florida. As a result of this experience, I not only became familiar with VA law and the VA disability claims and appeals processes, I learned the procedural matrixes the decision makers (Raters, Decision Review Officers, and Judges) utilize to adjudicated disability claims. As a result of that experience, I discovered that by approaching the Veterans benefits process from the perspective of what could be granted, instead of focusing on what would be denied, I could help Veterans become VICTORS instead of victims. As I assessed the numerous self-help books out there related to VA disability claims and appeals, I found several that do a pretty good job addressing the claims and appeals process and how to submit a claim, but I could not find very much specific information on how to address and develop the NEXUS or link necessary for a VA disability claim. This will be the first book of what I am calling “The Veterans Benefits Series.” Subsequent books in this series will address such topics as how to submit a fully developed claim, how to prepare for your Compensation and Pension Examination, additional benefits you didn’t know you were entitled to, VA benefits for surviving spouses and children, and more. So whether you are seeking a reconsideration of a recent disability claim or your disability claim is currently in the appeals process, this information is vital to ensuring you have the knowledge necessary to win the veterans benefits you deserve!