Article Title: Navy Veteran With Terminal Cancer Holds Yard Sales for Funeral Costs
Snippet of Article: "... A Pennsylvania man has been holding yard sales to pay for funeral expenses. His own..."
Article Source: www.military.comNews for the military veteran. We cover V.A. health care,veteran benefits, issues such as agent orange, and more
Snippet of Article: "... A Pennsylvania man has been holding yard sales to pay for funeral expenses. His own..."
Article Source: www.military.comSnippet of Article: "... When veterans apply for retirement or disability benefits, Social Security checks their records. If they have qualifying military service, they get credit for additional wages for their military service. These credits are added to the veteran's lifetime earnings record — not to the veteran's monthly benefit check. But because Social Security uses lifetime earnings as the basis for figuring out a person's retirement benefits, the credits can ultimately raise the monthly payment..."
Article Source: you will find information on Military Service and Social Security directly from; Social Security at
Snippet of Article: "...The boys were running late to the game when they heard the national anthem playing. That’s when they stopped, took off their hats and placed their hands over their hearts..."
Article Source: www.fox5vegas.comSnippet of Article: "...department officials repeatedly ignored demands to roll back implementation of the key provisions of three executive orders that were struck down last month by U.S. District Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Once VA issued an order to rescind offending elements of workplace policies ..."
Article Source: www.govexec.comSnippet of Article: "...For the first time since 2005, the U.S. Army missed its recruiting goal this year, falling short by about 6,500 soldiers, despite pouring an extra $200 million into bonuses and approving some additional waivers for bad conduct or health issues..."
Article Source: www.military.comSnippet of Article: "...because of the attack, not only was the sentence hearing postponed, but Biggs was sent to the hospital after being punched and falling into the fetal position ..."
Article Source: ijr.comSnippet of Article: "... A Tulsa veteran said two people kicked in his front door and beat him with brass knuckles, all for $15. The victim said he was honorably discharged from the Navy and has been focusing on getting back to normal life...He walked up, he then hit my dog in the face, cut him right under the eye..."
Article Source: www.newson6.comSnippet of Article: "... Lane bikes along the trail almost every night around the same time. He served in the Air Force. At last check, Lane was still recovering in the hospital. In April, a 76-year-old man was attacked on the same bike trail, police said. That man died from his injuries..."
Article Source: www.abc10.comSnippet of Article: "... The U.S. military said Wednesday that two Russian nuclear-capable bombers escorted by two fighter jets flew near Alaska on Sept. 11 before being intercepted by a pair of Air Force F-22 stealth fighter jets, according to a statement by the North American Aerospace Defense Command..."
Article Source: www.foxnews.comSnippet of Article: "...In April, Secretary of Defense James Mattis told the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, To ensure the most lethal and effective fighting force in the world, the Department maintains high mental, physical, and behavioral standards. These necessarily high standards mean that 71% of young Americans (ages 17-24) are ineligible to join the military without a waiver ..."
Article Source: www.nationalreview.comSnippet of Article: "...10 discounts military members can take advantage of all year round. The terms vary from discount to discount. Some are only available to military members, while others are extended to their immediate family, too. In all cases, you'll need to present some sort of ID to take advantage of the deals ..."
Article Source: www.businessinsider.comSnippet of Article: "... The Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program (VR&E) recently began reducing the average counselor-to-caseload ratio through the hiring of 172 additional vocational rehabilitation counselors (VRCs). The hiring effort will help improve service to veterans..."
Article Source: www.military.comSnippet of Article: "...Even as social media lit up with fury, however, some industry analysts were confident that Nike’s move would prove a winner in the long-term. While conservatives were disgusted at his selection, others who admired Kapernick’s stance applauded the company and it moved itself squarely into the heart of the news cycle. “Controversial endorsements tend to generate a lot of hype,” said Marshal Cohen, Chief Industry Analyst for retail at market research firm The NPD Group ..."
Article Source: theceomagazine.comSnippet of Article: "...The true power of Falling Man, however, is less about who its subject was and more about what he became: a makeshift Unknown Soldier in an often unknown and uncertain war, suspended forever in history ..."
Article Source: time.comSnippet of Article: "...While most departing service members know they're entitled to care through the nation's Veterans Affairs system as long as they served on active duty for more than 24 months without a dishonorable discharge, many return to rural areas that may not have VA centers close by. Jobs may not come immediately, leading to potential gaps in health-care coverage for families who aren't proactive about making sure each member of the family has insurance. Here is some helpful health-care advice...You can register directly on the VA's website, or by calling 1-877-222-VETS (1-877-222-8387)..."
Article Source: theweek.comSnippet of Article: "...Nike may be betting that the upside of a Kaepernick endorsement is worth angering conservative Americans ...with the former 49er one of the most popular football players in the U.S. the shoe giant is likely counting on passions to cool..."
Article Source: www.oregonlive.comArticle Title: Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents, and Survivors Article Excerpt: "...An official, up-to-date government m...