Wednesday, August 3, 2022

38 CFR Book C, Schedule for Rating Disabilities -

Article Title: 38 CFR Book C, Schedule for Rating Disabilities -

Article Excerpt: Appendices 4.1 - 4.31 - Subpart A - General Policy in Rating Subpart B - Subpart B - Disability Rating 4.40 - 4.73 - The Musculoskeletal System 4.75 - 4.84a-5 - The Organs of Special Sense 4.85 - 4.87a - Impairment of Auditory Acuity 4.88 - 4.89 - Infectious Diseases, Immune Disorders and Nutritional Deficiencies 4.96 - 4.97 - The Respiratory System 4.100 - The cardiovascular System 4.104 - Diagnostic code 7114 4.110 - 4.114 - The Digestive System 4.115 - 4.115b - The Genitourinary System 4.116 - Gynecological Conditions and Disorders of the Breast 4.117 - The Hemic and Lymphatic Systems 4.118 - The Skin 4.119 - The Endocrine System 4.120 - 4.124a - Neurological Conditions and Convulsive Disorders 4.125 - 4.130 - Mental Disorders 4.149 - 4.150 - Dental and Oral Conditions

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