Friday, October 21, 2022

We love this SITREP briefing site on YouTube | Insight into military special operations, tracking international military flights -- Milspec OpsMonkey

Article Title: We love this SITREP briefing site on YouTube | Insight into military special operations, tracking international military flights -- Milspec OpsMonkey

Excerpt from "... insight into military special operations, tracking international military flights.
Note: He also markets handcrafted artisan style products like beard balms and oils, soaps, and exotic wood werx. A majority of the products are designed and made by hand myself, complete with the monkey’s signature on the back - creating unique, high quality products you won’t find anywhere else.

The following is an example featuring one of the SITREP's 10.19.22 SITREP 10.19.22 - Where Are All of the Bombers?


Reference Source: YouTube