Thursday, November 17, 2022

For Camp Lejeune Victims Exposed to Toxic Water, a New Law Promises Compensation—and Closure

Article Title: For Camp Lejeune Victims Exposed to Toxic Water, a New Law Promises Compensation—and Closure

Article Excerpt: "Veterans are eligible for disability benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs if they served at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 and have been diagnosed with one of eight conditions strongly linked to chemicals found in the water: leukemia, aplastic anemia, bladder cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and Parkinson’s disease. But those who have tried to sue the Navy (the Marine Corps’ parent organization) have historically been unsuccessful due to statute of limitations issues and policies that prevent armed service members from suing the government over injuries suffered in the line of duty. ..."

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