Thursday, December 22, 2022

Stanford University 'harmful language' | Plans to eliminate/ replace words 'American,' 'he,' and 'brave'

Article Title: Stanford University 'harmful language' | Plans to eliminate/ replace words 'American,' 'he,' and 'brave'

Stanford university releases list of 'harmful language' it plans to eliminate or replace, including 'American,' 'he,' and 'brave'

Article Excerpt: "Stanford University has identified a list of words and phrases that it will soon be removing from its websites. "American," "he," "straight," and "gentlemen" are among the forbidden words listed in the school's index of so-called "harmful language." ...Although the university, facing scrutiny, password-protected the EHLI's list and hid it from public view, the Journal obtained a copy [PDF]. The forbidden terms on the EHLI list are grouped into the following categories: "Ableist, Ageism, Culturally Appropriative, Gender-based, Imprecise Language, Institutionalized Racism, Person-First, and Violent."..."

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