Thursday, August 29, 2024

What is the Kamala Harris Admin Doing for Veterans? Taking back $2.5B+ given to veterans to leave the military, data shows

Article Title: Government has clawed back more than $2.5B given to veterans to leave the military, data shows

Article Excerpt: "...“It felt like I would never see the light at the end of the tunnel,” said an Army veteran who struggled to repay the roughly $74,000 incentive he received. ...Disabled veterans have been told in the last 12 fiscal years to return nearly $3 billion in special separation pay — lump-sum incentives that were offered when the U.S. had to reduce its active-duty force or release slightly injured service members, the data shows. Since fiscal year 2013, the earliest year for which the VA shared data, about 122,000 veterans have returned more than $2.5 billion so far, with about $364 million still left to be recouped, according to the VA. ..."

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