Thursday, July 25, 2024

Disgusting! | Kamala Harris Forces America to Remain Impotent as She Supports the Desecration and Takeover of America by Pro-Hamas Palestinians

Article Title: Is nothing sacred? Pro-Palestine protestors light American flag on fire outside WWI memorial as they spray paint 'Gaza' on base and shamelessly add Palestinian flag to the display

Article Excerpt: "...Pro-Palestinian demonstrators defaced a World War I memorial in New York City's Central Park on Monday evening, daubing the base of a statue with graffiti and lighting an American flag on fire. The demonstrators - part of a crowd of 1,000 people - also added Palestinian flags to the 107th Infantry memorial at the intersection of East 67th Street and Fifth Avenue. The act of wanton vandalism was part of a 'day of rage' protest with those taking part showing no respect for the Stars & Stripes or the war memorial above. ..."

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