Sunday, July 21, 2024

Military veteran's book 'The War on Warriors' maintains weeks-long prominence on NY Times bestseller list

Article Title: Military veteran's book 'The War on Warriors' maintains weeks-long prominence on NY Times bestseller list

Article Excerpt: "..."While I was writing the book, I spent a lot of time on the phone talking to guys who are currently serving — they talked to me off the record and anonymously. I had dozens and dozens of conversations, back-to-back phone calls" on many, many weekends, he said. ..."And I spoke with privates and corporals and sergeants and lieutenants and captains and colonels from all different branches. Every one of them had a unique story. But they all sounded a similar tune," said Hegseth. These weren't and aren't partisans, he said. "These are regular guys, and they all said the military today has changed." ... "They told me, 'I'm walking on eggshells here,' ‘there’s no accountability,' ‘the standards have been lowered,' I'm concerned about political influence.' It was guy after guy and gal after gal who said that.""

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